DAY 2 – 30DaysOfAvoToast: The Italian One

One of my favorite dishes EVER is caprese salad. I also love to make avocado caprese salad: avocado slices, tomatoes and mozzarella with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, basil and salt/pepper.

So for the 30DaysOfAvoToast series I thought: Why not pack everything into a sandwich (and even add some basil/pine pesto to it) and build an Italian Avocado Toast?

Follow our 30DaysOfAvoToast series here! Send us pictures of your favorite AvoToast or post them on Instagram/Facebook using #30DaysOfAvoToast.

The Italian One: AvoToast with Tomatoes, Basil and Mozzarella

Toast your bread. As it toasts slice the avocado, tomatoes and mozzarella.

Put avocado slices, basil, tomatoes and mozzarella on one toast. Add salt and pepper.

Put the second slice of toast on top and cut the sandwich in two.

  • 2 whole grain bread slices
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 4 leaves basil
  • 2 cocktail tomatoes
  • 1 mozzarella
  • Salt and pepper to taste

See you tomorrow with the next recipe! Send us pictures of your favorite AvoToast or post them on Instagram using #30DaysOfAvoToast.